Dear Dennis,
If you only want to change the "You are here" on a site in one language only you can follow these steps:
- Login to the backend of your site.
- Select Extensions - > Language(s) -> Overrides
- Click the New button
- Enter MOD_BREADCRUMBS_CSS_HERE at the field for Language Constant
- Enter the translation you want to use at the Text input field.
- Click Save & Close and your done.
If you're using a multilingual site you'll have to create a translation file for each language you're using. Let's say you want to translate the used module language to German:
- Copy the files /language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_breadcrumbs_css***.ini into the folder /language/de-DE/
- Rename the files as /language/de-DE/de-DE.mod_breadcrumbs_css***.ini
- Open the files de-DE.mod_breadcrumbs_css***.ini and translate all the English definitions into German (the translations must be put between the double-quotes on each line).
That should do the trick.
Greetz, UWiX
Bug? That's not a bug, that's a feature. :-)