DigiFolio Component

DigiFolio Component

The DigiFolio component makes it easy to display all your projects on your website (portfolio). You can show the important information about your project online including images, start/end date, e-mail, webaddress, etc.

A lot of feautures are available in the DigiFolio Component, so don't waste any time, download it, install it and give your site the upgrade it needs!

This extensions is deprecated and no longer supported by our development team. We do not release any updates on this component anymore - ever!
You can still use it as-is in a Joomla! 3 environment but any support question about this Digifolio extension will not be answered (read: ignored).

Digifolio v3.0.4
 947.3 KB

Joomla! 3

Install / Update

Create a backup of the current DigiFolio projects through the backup option in the backend. Copy (via FTP or eXTplorer) the file digifolio.css in the folder componentscom_digifolioassets to a backup folder.

Install version 3x the same way you install any other component and the installation/update will be started. Restore the digiflio.css from your backup location to the folder componentscom_digifolioassets to restore your previous layout. With version 3.x this can be done with the recover function.

It could be neccesary to recreate menu-items which refer to the DigiFolio component. This is needed avoid old settings and use the newest for sure.