BreadCrumbs Advanced (GPL)

BreadCrumbs Advanced (GPL)

It's just like the default breadcrumbs module from a default Joomla! 3.x or 4.x installation but... with advanced options added!

Added options: cut off last breadcrumb (ja/nee), cut off after (give position when to cut off breadcrumb), add character(s) to a cut off breadcrumb (could be any character).


BreadCrumbs Advanced v3.0.3
 9.56 KB

Joomla! 3

The installation packege for the BreadCrumbs Advanced module for Joomla! 3.5.x only. Install it by using the Extensions Manager like any other Joomla! component or module.

The module options can be set through the Module Manager.

Pay attention: this version is not suitable for Joomla! versions higher than 3.5.x.

BreadCrumbs Advanced v3.4.0
 19.92 KB

Joomla! 3

The installation packege for the BreadCrumbs Advanced module for Joomla! 3.10.x/4.x. Install it by using the Extensions Manager like any other Joomla! component or module.

The module options can be set through the Module Manager.